A tooth that needs a root canal creates pain that won’t go away until the treatment. When you have a toothache that persists after you’ve tried over-the-counter treatments over a few days, you need to see your dentist to diagnose the cause. A toothache can be a sign of an infection in the dental pulp of the tooth in which case you will need a root canal to take care of it. Even though you may routinely have your bi-annual dental check-ups, you may still encounter an issue that requires root canal treatment.

signs root canal

At Sninski and Schmitt Family Dentistry, we are experienced in properly diagnosing the cause of a toothache. For a tooth that presents indications that the root pulp is infected, we will recommend a root canal be done soon. How can you be aware of signs that you may need a root canal? In this article, we present 6 such signs that indicate you need a root canal treatment.

The Root Canal Procedure

A root canal is a dental procedure that cleans out the decay in your tooth’s pulp and root. The enamel layer on the outside of your teeth (the one that you can see) is on top of two other layers–dentin is the second layer and the third layer is the soft core that goes into the root. The soft core contains the dental pulp that consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

When the soft core is invaded by decay, the pulp can become inflamed, infected, or even dead (necrotic). 

A root canal procedure cleans out the decay and preserves the infected tooth. Before the treatment, your dentist will take dental X-rays of the affected tooth along with performing other tests that determine if your tooth pulp is dead, infected, or inflamed such as:

  • Gently tap on your tooth or touch it with a cold or hot implement to check for sensitivity or discomfort.
  • Do an electric pulp test (EPT) by using a device that sends a gradually increasing electric current through your tooth to see if your tooth pulp reacts.
  • Check for signs of swelling in the gums and bone around your tooth.
  • Ask you to bite down on something placed on the tooth for a level of pain.

During the root canal treatment, the dentist removes the inflamed pulp. Then he/she cleans and disinfects the inside of your tooth and places a filling on the tooth to seal the space.

6 Signs You May Need a Root Canal

It is possible to have an infected tooth without symptoms. However, when you have symptoms, they may include these listed below.

1.) Tooth Pain that Doesn’t Go Away

Many things can make your teeth hurt, for example, sinus inflammation. But, pain that is deep in a tooth or that spreads to your jaw, face, or other teeth may mean that you have an infection.

2.) Painful Pressure

If your tooth hurts when you eat or touch it, it could mean that the nerves around the tooth pulp have been damaged. This can be a throbbing pain, a continuous pain, or one that comes and goes. But, a strong and persistent pain, especially one that worsens when eating, biting down, or otherwise disturbing the tooth, is a signal that you need to see the dentist soon.

3.) Lingering Sensitivity

Painful sensitivity to hot or cold that does not go away quickly is a possible sign of damage to the nerve within your tooth, and this can be an indicator that you may need a root canal.

4.) A Darkened or Discolored Tooth

If one of your teeth suddenly turns grey or dark or black, it could be an indication that you have severe tooth decay or a breakdown of internal tissue. In this case, a root canal is needed.

5.) Swelling

Swelling doesn’t automatically signal there is a need for root canal surgery. However, if you have any swelling of the face and jaw, whether it is barely noticeable or severe and prominent, you can safely assume that you have an infected tooth. In particular, if there is swelling in the gums that surround the tooth and tooth pain, it can indicate that tooth decay has spread to the gums through the root of the tooth. There is a great likelihood that a dental abscess has developed, which can only be cleared by a root canal treatment and antibiotics.

6.) Bump on the Gum

A pimple-like bump on your gum is a dental abscess indicating a severe infection in the area of the soft core of the tooth that contains arteries and nerve endings. The infection can result in deep pockets full of pus forming around the tooth root. In addition to being incredibly painful, you may also experience symptoms like facial swelling, swollen lymph nodes, and a fever. An abscess requires immediate treatment with antibiotics and a root canal.

Contact Sninski and Schmitt Family Dentistry to Schedule a Dentist Appointment

When you experience any of the symptoms in this article, contact the dental team at Sninski and Schmitt Family Dentistry. We are here to diagnose and take care of the dental issue at play. Our goal is to keep you comfortable and cure the cause. Call our Holly Springs dentist office at (919) 600-6262 and our Cary dentist office at (919) 467-2203. Or, use our convenient online form below to schedule an appointment.

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