Family DentistryFamily Dentist Holly Spring Cary NC

Dental Health

Keeping Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy Over Summer Vacation

tips to keep kids teeth healthy in summer from pediatric dentist

During the school year, it’s easier to help your kids maintain their dental health. You and your kids get into the routine of brushing and flossing, plus, there are fewer opportunities to indulge in sugary snacks and beverages. With three months of free time, it can be easy to let things slide, but it doesn’t […]

Dentists Recommend These Ideas to Prevent Cavities

prevent cavities

Most people know that cavities are bad but don’t know how to prevent them, and it’s not a good idea for people to only rely on their dentists once or twice a year to thoroughly clean their teeth. Keep reading to learn the top ways to prevent cavities so you can keep your teeth healthy […]