Family DentistryFamily Dentist Holly Spring Cary NC

Dental Health

6 Essential Vitamins for Healthy Teeth and Gums

6 Essential Vitamins for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Eating a balanced diet that contains these six essential vitamins will keep your teeth and gums healthy–vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, as well as the minerals calcium and phosphorus. This article covers the foods that contain each vitamin so you can plan meals that keep your mouth and gums healthy.

How Long Can You Expect a Dental Crown to Last?

how long a dental crown should last

A dental crown doesn’t last forever. It has a lifespan that depends on several factors such as the material used for the crown, the fit of the crown, and your oral hygiene. If you are having tooth pain under an existing crown, it may need to be replaced. Call Sninski and Schmitt Family Dentistry at 919-467-2203 for a complete diagnosis.

Good and Bad Effects of Chewing Gum on Your Teeth

Good and Bad Effects of Chewing Gum on Your Teeth

Chewing sugarless gum has some good effects on your teeth while other gum can have bad effects. In this article, Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry provides information that can guide you in selecting gums to chew.

How Acidic Foods Affect Your Teeth

How Acidic Foods Affect Your Teeth

Consuming too many foods and beverages high in acid can cause tooth erosion, resulting in problematic issues such as sensitive teeth and loss of enamel. The dental team at Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry can help evaluate causes and possible solutions.

Importance of Hydration for Oral Health

The Importance of Hydration for Oral Health

Staying properly hydrated is vital in your oral health. This article discusses the health consequences of dehydration and reasons why hydration is so important to your oral health.

Tooth Abscess: Definition, Stages, Symptoms and Treatments

Tooth Abscess: Symptoms and Treatments

At Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry, we have a lot of experience seeing patients who have an abscess. In this article, we explain what a tooth abscess is, the various stages of developing an abscess, the symptoms of an abscess, the diagnosis, and the available treatments.

6 Ways Stress Can Affect Your Teeth

6 Ways Stress Can Affect Your Teeth

Too much stress for too long can result in negative short- and long-term effects on your health, including your oral health. Learn about the 6 ways stress can affect your oral health.

Why Oral Hygiene Is Crucial to Your Overall Health

Why Oral Hygiene Is Crucial to Your Overall Health

Oral Hygiene is directly related to your overall health. The health of your mouth, gums, and teeth may not be something you think about when considering your overall state of health. It is critically important to maintain good oral hygiene and practice preventive care as part of your general health maintenance. This article covers how oral health affects your overall health.