Periodontitis is a severe gum condition that results from untreated gingivitis. Up to 42.7% of adults in the US, particularly over 30 years, have chronic periodontitis. It is characterized by inflamed gums, which pull away from your teeth and form deep pockets in your gums. You should understand a few aspects of this condition to avoid it and care for it. Here are some points to keep in mind.

You Can Treat Periodontitis

Various treatment options are at your disposal, including surgical and nonsurgical methods. Flap surgery is the most common option, and it involves tiny incisions in the gum section. This exposes the roots and allows for better root planing and scaling. Other surgical options include bone grafting, soft tissue grafts, and guided tissue regeneration.

Nonsurgical treatment methods are available at the dental office. They are the go-to choice, thanks to their non-invasiveness. In this case, you could consider scaling, root planing, or antibiotics, depending on the extent of the condition.

Reversing the effects of periodontitis will often depend on how quickly you get rid of the infection. Extensive treatment options might be necessary if your condition is advanced. Remember, restorative dentistry is worth your money and time.

Causes of Periodontitis

Various aspects can cause periodontal dental conditions. The biggest culprit is bacteria, which accumulates if you do not clean and rinse your mouth. Brushing and flossing your teeth is an excellent way to avoid this cause. Poor oral hygiene makes your dental health deteriorate significantly.

Genetics is yet another cause. This element indicates that you will likely get the condition if your other family members had it previously. Other reasons include hormonal fluctuations, a compromised immune system, and medication. You are also more susceptible to the issue if you are a chronic smoker.

The best way to avoid this condition is to embrace excellent oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly will help. You should also consider regular dental checkups at the dental office.

Symptoms of Periodontitis

Various signs show that you have periodontitis. For instance, you will experience swollen and puffy gums, bright red gums, painful chewing, and significant bleeding. Bad breath and loose teeth are other symptoms of the condition.

How to Solve Your Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a severe health condition that you should avoid. The best way to do this is to embrace oral hygiene. With the insights above, you’ll make better decisions in the long run. Call Sninski and Schmitt Family Dentistry for any concerns about your periodontitis. You can reach us at two convenient locations. Call our Holly Springs dentist office at (919) 600-6262 and our Cary, NC dentist office at (919) 467-2203. To schedule an appointment, fill out our contact form.