Dental veneers are a popular option for people who have a variety of dental concerns, from discoloration to gaps between teeth and chipped, broken, or worn teeth. As cosmetic dentistry has become more prevalent, veneers are now a common solution to cosmetic issues because there are several benefits of dental veneers. If you are considering different options, with veneers being one, you might be wondering if you are a good candidate for dental veneers. 

At Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry, cosmetic dentistry is an integral part of our practice. It gives us great pleasure to see the difference we make in a patient’s smile using cosmetic solutions such as dental veneers. In this article, we discuss what an ideal candidate for veneers is so that you might begin to ascertain whether they are a good option for you. But, we recommend that you speak with one of our dentists to get a recommendation for your specific situation.


Veneers are thin, tooth-colored coverings that are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth to improve your smile. They can be used to treat a variety of dental issues such as:

  • Chipped, broken, or worn teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Smaller-than-average teeth
  • Pointed or misshapen teeth

Veneers are made from high-quality dental materials like porcelain or tooth-colored composite and are made to match the color and either the actual shape or the desired shape of your teeth. They can be combined with other treatments such as teeth whitening, to create a uniform tooth color.

Veneers can protect damaged teeth from further wear and deterioration. They may also prevent more invasive procedures and can reduce the risk of cavities and tooth decay in the veneered teeth.

Veneers are only an option if your teeth are free of extensive cavities and gum disease. If you have serious oral health issues, you should address those first before exploring cosmetic treatments.

Ideal Candidates for Veneers

As stated earlier, veneers are a great cosmetic dental treatment that helps people become confident with their smiles again. You may be a good candidate for veneers if:

  • You want to fix several cosmetic problems with your teeth at once.
  • You want to fix discolored teeth.
  • You want to correct stains on your teeth from old fillings.

Candidates should have a foundation of good oral health and be free of issues like gum disease or untreated cavities. Specific criteria for veneer candidacy help determine who is most likely to benefit from this cosmetic dentistry. For example, an ideal candidate should have:

  • Good Oral Health
  • Sufficient Tooth Enamel
  • Minor Cosmetic Concerns
  • Commitment to Oral Care

Specifically, patients who are ideal candidates for dental veneers have:

  • Healthy teeth and gums – Patients should have good oral health overall, without gum disease or untreated cavities.
  • Sufficient tooth enamel – The dentist must eliminate a portion of enamel to create space for porcelain veneers. Patients should have enough enamel left for the veneer to bond properly to the tooth enamel when applied. 
  • Straight or mildly crooked teeth – Veneers can fix slightly misaligned teeth, but they are not recommended for severely misaligned teeth.
  • No bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching – Bruxism can damage veneers.
  • No bad habits – Patients should avoid chewing their nails, crunching hard candy, eating ice, or gnawing on pens since these habits can damage veneers.
  • Dark stains – Veneers can cover stains that don’t respond well to whitening products such as internal discoloration from old fillings or decay.

Candidates Based on Other Factors

Here are some other factors that come into play when you are considering veneers.

  • You can cover the costs – Your insurance provider more than likely will not cover the veneer procedure since it is an elective cosmetic procedure. Therefore, you will need to cover the out-of-pocket cost, which is typically several hundred dollars per tooth.
  • Getting veneers when you have other previous dental work – Previous dental work you have had may affect your candidacy for veneers.
    • Implants – Veneers can be placed alongside implants, but is not recommended to place veneers over implants. It is better to replace the implant crown itself.
    • Crowns – It may be possible to place a veneer over a crown, but it is not recommended due to potential bond weakness.
    • Fillings and Bonding – Veneers can work over teeth that have small fillings or bonding on either the front or the backside of your tooth. But, when a veneer needs to wrap around both sides, a crown is the better option.

Alternatives for Veneers

Depending on the dental issue you need to fix, there are several alternative options for veneers:

  • Whitening – Teeth whitening is an inexpensive solution for stained teeth even though there are some drawbacks. Whitening only improves the color of teeth and can’t remove every stain. Additionally, whitening generally lasts approximately a year; whereas, veneers can last up to 15 years and can correct the worst stains.
  • Orthodontic treatment – Veneers can resolve mild cases of tooth misalignment whereas braces and Invisalign are more appropriate for moderate to severe structural problems.
  • Crowns – Veneers can correct small cracks and chips, but a crown corrects serious decay.
  • Bonding – Veneers and bonding are similar in their capabilities. Bonding has the advantage of being able to be completed in minutes and is less expensive than veneers. Bonding is durable and can last 5 – 10 years, while porcelain veneers can last up to 20 years when taken care of well.

Contact Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry Today

If you are considering options for any of the dental issues outlined in this article and are wondering if you are a good candidate for veneers, call our professional dental team today. We will be glad to talk to you about what you are looking for and make recommendations based on your specific situation. Call us at our Holly Springs dentist office at (919) 600-6262 and our Cary, NC dentist office at 919-467-2203, or fill out our contact form below to schedule an appointment.

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