Whiter smiles can mean a lot more than just healthier looking teeth. A bright smile can help drive confidence and happiness to our patients. Sninski & Schmitt provides professional teeth whitening right from the comfort of your own home. Our modern teeth whitening treatment option makes it easier than ever to achieve the vibrant smile that you have always dreamed of.

Our custom teeth whitening process keeps you out of the office as much as possible, so that you have the freedom to whiten your teeth as much and as often as you want.

  • Visit our dentist office to get a mold of your teeth
  • Come in the office to fit your new mold and receive the professional teeth whitening gel
  • Fill the trays with the gel and use as recommended by your dentist
  • Watch your smile brighten

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Call our Holly Springs or Cary office today or schedule an appointment by clicking the button below!

What Causes Teeth To Be Discolored?

There are a variety of different reasons that teeth may be discolored. This could be impacted from what kind of food you eat, to how well you brush your teeth. There is a lot that goes into finding out why your teeth aren’t as white as you would hope them to be, but by meeting with a dental professional they can help you diagnose the issue. It is important to keep up to date with your daily dental routine as well as routinely seeing a dentist for routine teeth cleaning and checkups. Below is a list of common causes of tooth discoloration.

  • Drinking sugary drinks.
  • Drinking colorful drinks such as coffee or wine.
  • Smoking cigarettes or using chewing tobacco.
  • Having a poor dental hygiene routine.
  • Unfortunately, genetics can also play a factor in natural tooth colorization.

Our Teeth Whitening Process

Teeth whitening has been around for quite some time, but it has made some large improvements in recent years. It has never been easier to help patients receive the white smile of their dream. But on of the big concerns by most patients is if teeth whitening is safe. When you work with our dental professionals at Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry you can trust that our dental professionals will help you find the best teeth whitening solution for you.

There are a few different ways that teeth whitening can be done, and some solutions are better for some patients. This is why it is important for you to meet with a dental professional who will help walk you through the teeth whitening process. Our family dentists will also help provide you with a guideline to improve you at home dental routine as the majority of dental work is impacted from the work you do at home. By meeting with your dentist twice a year and following a dental routine you will see great results when it comes to the health of your teeth.

At-Home Teeth Whitening vs Professional Teeth Whitening?

When combining at-home teeth whitening and professional teeth whitening there are a wide variety of different methods. But unfortunately a large percentage of these at-home solutions wouldn’t be recommended by your dentist. When it comes to teeth whitening, you want the solution to be effective to whiten your teeth but to also be safe for your teeth and gums.

Many at-home teeth whitening solutions are known to whiten your teeth, but they also damage your enamel and cause extreme sensitivity to your teeth. This wouldn’t be a recommended option as it is effective but isn’t good for the overall health and safety of your teeth. This is why we always recommend meeting with our dentists to find the best teeth whitening procedure for you and the health of your teeth.

Contact Our Teeth Whitening Dentist Office

We offer teeth whitening at both of our dentist office locations. Please fill out the form below or call one of our locations by clicking on the buttons below.

Cary Office

Holly Springs Office

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