Holly Springs Teeth Cleaning

Getting regularly scheduled dental checkups is just as important as brushing when it comes to dental hygiene. At our Cary and Holly Springs dentist offices, we take your dental checkups seriously and work to recognize and diagnose any problems you are having with your teeth. We’re committed to the value and importance of a thorough, professional cleaning of your teeth, one that goes beyond what your toothbrush can accomplish. When you regularly visit our Cary or Holly Springs dentist office, you’ll continue to maintain your beautiful smile.

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Call our Holly Springs or Cary office today or schedule an appointment by clicking the button below!

Preventative Dental Services

It’s important to get regular checkups about every six months to catch any dental problems early on, prevent any tooth decay or other issues that come with neglect to your teeth. On top of these regular services, we also offer fluoride treatment, nutritional counseling, and mouth guards.

Comprehensive Routine Teeth Cleaning

On your first visit to our Cary or Holly Springs dentist office, we’d perform a comprehensive dental exam to understand the current state of your teeth. We start by giving you a new patient information form, so we can know your history and information. You will receive a regular cleaning and examination, as well as x-rays as needed depending on your dental record. At the conclusion of the checkup, we will help you schedule your next regular checkup.

At regular checkups, we always perform a routine of cleaning and examination. If necessary, we will diagnose and prescribe treatment if we identify anything in your oral health that’s of concern.

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is something we see very often in both our Cary and Holly Springs dental offices. In simple cases, we are able to solve it with a thorough cleaning. However, in more severe cases, we may need to perform scaling and root planing. This procedure deeply cleans your mouth by removing the bacteria from your gums.

Additional Services at Our Dentist Offices

Aside from regular checkups and teeth cleanings, our Cary and Holly Springs dentists also provide a long list of other dental services to our patients. From teeth whitening to bridges to same-day crowns, our doctors are happy to help you with your dental needs. Here’s a list of some other services we offer:

Teeth Cleaning & Dental Checkups FAQ’s

How much does a teeth cleaning/dental checkup cost?

The cost of these procedures varies depending on a couple of different factors. One major factor is whether or not you have insurance, as well as how much of the cost that insurance covers. Typically, your insurance will cover the costs of a teeth cleaning once or twice a year as necessary preventative care, but be aware that most insurance providers may have a maximum amount they will pay for a cleaning in a given year.

How long does a teeth cleaning take?

While there isn’t necessarily a set time for a teeth cleaning procedure to be performed, you can expect it to last anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. If your dentist comes across any issues during your cleaning, the process may take a little longer in order to determine next steps.

What is included with a dental checkup?

During your first visit, a comprehensive dental exam will be performed to understand the current state of your teeth. You will then receive a regular cleaning and examination, along with x-rays as needed depending on your dental record.

Moving forward, your regular check ups will include a routine cleaning and examination. If necessary, you will be diagnosed and prescribed treatment based on any problems identified during the procedure.

How can I cancel my dental checkup/teeth cleaning?

At Sninski & Schmitt, we understand that things come up in life unexpectedly and you may need to cancel your appointment. However, broken appointments are very costly and inconvenient for our staff, as we have to make appropriate preparations for each client. With that being said, we ask you inform us at least 1 business day in advance. If you break your appointment without providing notice, you will be subject to a broken appointment fee of $50.00.

If you are running late, we will do our best to work you into our schedule, but may also need to re-appoint you to another day.

Schedule A Teeth Cleaning at Our Dentist Office

We offer teeth cleanings at both of our dentist office locations. Please fill out the form below or call one of our locations by clicking on the buttons below.

Cary Office

Holly Springs Office

Request a Dental Appointment with Sninski & Schmitt Family Dentistry

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