Family DentistryFamily Dentist Holly Spring Cary NC

Dental Health

Proper Way to Brush Teeth

the proper way to brush teeth

Since we all learned to brush our teeth as children, it may be a skill you think you’ve mastered by now. But, as we get older, we may get a little lax and can use some tips to brush up on our oral hygiene. There’s nothing wrong with a little refresher course when it comes […]

Dental x-Rays – Everything You Need to Know

Dental x-Rays - Everything You Need to Know

If you’ve been to your dentist for a cleaning or have had a dental issue, you’ve probably had a dental X-ray before. But, many of us don’t really know why they’re such an important part of having a healthy mouth. Whether you’ve had dental x-rays before or maybe are preparing for one soon, we have […]

5 Dental Health Resolutions to Make for 2023

Cary dentist dental health resolutions

It’s the new year, and if you’re like most Americans, you’re making New Year’s Resolutions. While “lose weight” and “get more organized” are common goals, one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being is take care of your teeth. That’s why our Cary dentist is sharing 5 dental health resolutions […]

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

It’s one of our nightmares…something happens to a tooth at night or over the weekend and you try to decide whether it is an emergency. A dental emergency can happen anytime, day or night. If you have ever experienced dental trauma or have an urgent need for assistance, you know how stressful it can be. […]

How to Choose the Right Dentist


If you’ve either recently moved to a new area or are just looking to change dentists, you are facing an important decision. Your dentist is a partner in your oral health. Getting routine dental checkups and treatment is critical in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Poor oral health can contribute to other health risks […]

How to Protect Your Enamel

Protecting your enamel

The enamel on your teeth is an important part of the aesthetic of your face. Not only are your teeth in plain view for everyone to see, but the smile on your face is also one of the first things people see. A welcoming smile with white, unbroken teeth makes a great first impression. But, […]