Keeping up with your dental care is one of the best things you can do to keep your teeth clean and disease free. When you begin to slow down on your dental care is typically when plaque and bacteria buildup starts to cause problems for the health of your mouth. Fortunately, preventative dentistry in Cary and Holly Springs is the solution to drastically reduce to risk of dental complications by keeping your mouth clean and healthy.

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What Is Preventative Dentistry?

Preventative dentistry is a combination of routine teeth cleanings but also the work done at home to ensure your mouth is as healthy as possible. By taking care of your teeth starting at a young age you can help prevent dental complications as you grow older. At Sninski & Schmitt family dentistry, our dentists in Holly Springs and Cary blend the latest dental technology and innovations to provide you with the best possible dental experience. We are dedicated to providing you with the right solution that will clean your natural smile and defend against the growth of dangerous bacteria.

Our Preventative Dentistry Services 

Our friendly family dentists provide preventative dentistry services for adults as well as children in the Cary and Holly Springs area.

Routine Teeth Cleaning

Routine teeth cleaning and checkups should be considered one of the backbones to preventative dentistry because this is when our dental professionals will give your teeth a thorough exam. This allows us to see and trouble areas that may be forming and treat those as soon as possible. Staying consistent with your routine checkups is one of the first things recommended by our preventative dentists.

Teeth X-Rays

Oral X-rays give our dentists the chance to see the bone structure of your mouth. This gives us a better picture of the structure health as well as will give us an indication if there are any trouble areas that will causes unnecessary pain in the future. By using oral x-rays during our preventative dentistry visits we are able to build up a timeline of images to get a visualization of how your mouth is changing.

Oral Exams

Oral exams as well as teeth cleaning are the two essential parts of any dental checkup. While cleaning your teeth, your dentist will be able to examine if there are any problem areas that need to be treated. Without routine oral exams it would be incredibly difficult to spot and treat dental issues before they become more serious.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a mineral that is used by dentists to help build up the strength of your teeth. Fluoride works by building up the protective layer of the teeth as well as combating any plaque buildup that may occur. As you grow older your teeth will gradually become weaker and weaker, but fluoride can be beneficial with providing your teeth the extra strength that they need.

Mouth Guards

Other than plaque buildup a common danger for many patients around the United States is teeth grinding as well as tooth trauma. It is common for patients to grind their teeth while they sleep or throughout the day without meaning even noticing that they are doing it. With the use of our oral x-rays we can compare your teeth overtime to see if teeth grinding is present, and then help you find a solution to help protect your teeth. Often times this means wearing a custom fit mouth guard while you sleep to help protect your teeth.

Contact Our Cary and Holly Springs Offices for Preventative Dentistry

Protect and maintain your smile today by calling our Cary dentist office or our Holly Springs dentist office. We can schedule a routine checkup for you and your entire family. Click the buttons below to call us or fill out the form to schedule your appointment today!

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